[vc_row][vc_column width= »3/4″][mk_gallery images= »3682,3683,3697,3698,3381,3401,3382,3703,3700,3319,3699,3714,3380,3701,3291,3337,3324,3312,3322,3292,3318,3336,3323,3706,3344,3702,3387,3708,3334,3354,3328,3345,3399,3398,3397,3395,3394,3384,3386,3388,3389,3391,3393,3378,3377,3376,3375,3374,3364,3365,3366,3367,3368,3371,3372,3373,3363,3362,3361,3360,3359,3358,3357,3356,3355,3346,3347,3348,3349,3350,3351,3352,3353,3343,3342,3341,3339,3338,3340,3335,3325,3326,3327,3329,3330,3331,3333,3316,3313,3310,3309,3308,3307,3305,3304,3303,3302,3300,3299,3298,3297,3296,3295,3294,3293,3286,3287,3288,3289,3290,3704,3705,3707,3709,3710,3711,3712,3713″ image_size= »full » hover_scenarios= »slow_zoom » pagination= »true » count= »20″ orderby= »post__in » item_id= »1443793640-560e8ae8f0f28″][/vc_column][vc_column width= »1/4″][vc_column_text]


1) look at the color photos in the collection (click on the photos of your choice, and scroll through the other photos),
2) locate the one you want,
3) send me a message to tell me the name of the photo and the painting style that interests you:
-> either the canvas 30 x 40 cm,
-> either the black wooden frame 20 x 30 cm.
4) after, i send you email for a passed for print,
5) send me the payment will be indicated in my message,
6) i will send your order by post office.

95 euros TTC

(all taxes includes) for one piece.

All photos are low resolution on your monitor, but the painting are printed in high resolution, good quality.

[/vc_column_text][mk_button dimension= »outline » size= »large » outline_skin= »light » url= »https://www.stephaneclementphotograph.com/contact/ » target= »_blank » align= »center » fullwidth= »true »]Contact-me TO ORDER[/mk_button][/vc_column][/vc_row]